This document contains the 2007
Year-End Reports by the professional staff of the Microfabrication Laboratory.
Together, these reports reflect the wide range of support staff provides to
research campus wide and to instructional laboratories in EECS.
Activities of direct Microlab (ML)
operations support staff, described in the sections Operations, Facilities,
Administration, Computers, and Process/Baseline include 25 career employees and
10 undergraduate student assistants. The Machine Shop operates with 4 staff as
an independent recharge unit. The
Microlab supports 0.35 μm process
technology on 6” (150 mm) silicon wafers. Equipment is also available
for processing 4” and partial wafers.
The Microlab had an average
monthly membership of 317 in 2007; participating PIs: 99. The Machine Shop
completed 296 jobs from 47 PIs. The Berkeley Microlab Affiliates program (BMLA)
comprises 26 industrial members. Detailed Microlab information can be found at http://microlab.berkeley.edu/.