Berkeley  Microfabrication  Laboratory  Affiliates


How To Become a Member

If you are interested in conducting research in the Microlab, you have to become a Berkeley Microlab Affiliate member. Please proceed as follows:

1.         View Membership Fees and Lab Manual Index for capabilities, and the Processing section of the Microlab website. If your process can be handled in our laboratory, and you decide to pursue membership, please contact Microlab Operations Manager, Katalin Voros (510-642-2716, voros at, to discuss your project.

2.         If after consultation, you are accepted to become a BMLA member, contact Administrative Manager, Rosemary Spivey, for initiating membership. A one-day Lab Orientation Course and Safety Test must be taken before entry to the lab is permitted. Register employee for one of the Course dates by sending an e-mail to Rosemary.

3.         A Purchase Order must be submitted before your company staff may begin working in the lab. Also, a Memorandum of Cooperative Agreement must be signed at that time.

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